Friday, January 25, 2008

some interesting thoughts...

or maybe not so interesting depends on who is reading.

so last night i watched CNN for the first time in a LOOONG time. it is interesting to me the way they portray what is happening in Rafa and El Arish Egypt. they make it sound like it is on the brink of the 3rd world war. when really it is a case of SUPPRESSED people who have been cut off from ANY AND ALL supplies...foood...waaater...EVERYTHING...and have fled to Arish to eat and gather supplies. is it not the right of man...of EVERY human, to have free access to the necessary things in life? WATER...FOOD?

a bunch of people from Dahab have gone to Arish to sell cigarettes because they are worth 1,000 USD right now to a Palestinian. and i'm talking about shit cigarettes too. like the WORST.

why should they be punished? what EXACTLY have they done?

regardless, it isn't close to Dahab and i am completely safe. but they make it sound like the ENTIRE area is full of angry arab men. when in ACTUALITY 60 percent of the population can't read or write...they don't read the news. they are living their little lives out here on the red sea. muslims are very peaceful people and it truly is unfortunate that we don't get to view THEIR life. real life. all we see is destruction...anger....hate. it is such a drop in the landscape of all of ARABIA.

i don't really know what i'm ranting about.

yesterday i had the pleasure of having lunch with the PALACE MANAGER for King Abdullah of Jordan. she is an interesting character and had lots of very solid advice. JUST DO IT! stop thinking so much. you never know WHAT will happen.

p.s. I GOT THE JOB. just waiting to sign in BLACK INK on the dotted line. yessur. i'm getting back home. i'll be seeing you. maybe not soon. but soon enough. trust.

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