Tuesday, January 22, 2008

rain rain...go away

i mean STAY! Last night it rained ALL NIGHT. quite amazing when you think that this place MAYBE sees rain once A YEAR! the older bedouin here say that it really hasn't rained for 10 years.

so the other night...and this is a bit crude...but it is a FINE example of how many different cultural exchanges i experience. so the general manager of the 5 star hotel that i have been interviewing for is SWISS (GABY)...and her husband is SWISS(ANDY). he has worked alot in America, namely Texas, building hotels and ranches etc. so she invited me to dinner at her hotel in an attempt to feed me. i've lost a considerable amount of weight...not that i'm complaining...i just don't eat too much anymore. ANYWAY, there is another SWISS (ROMAN PROBST) gentleman there. ALL of the people i am seated with speak 5 languages. the swiss gentleman speaks nearly 10 and owns a translation company that translates international patents and various things like that. he is brilliant. so here i am little american girl sitting amongst TRUELY accomplished people...when the SWISS gentleman hit my foot under the table. i jokingly said "mr. probst...are you trying to play footsies with me?" the table WENT DEAD SILENT. ALL EYES ON ME AGHAST!!

"what?", i said.
"my darling katie, i'm not exactly sure you meant to say that", gaby said
"what? playing footsies?", i repeated


"no, my dear, not too loud" , said andy
"what does footsies mean? what is wrong with saying footsies" i replied
"who is going to tell her...not until AT LEAST TWO GLASSES OF WINE" gaby said
"it is THAT bad?" i said
"well, she has to know...Katie, my dear, footsies in our language means PUSSY." andy said.

i nearly fell out of the chair!! we all died laughing.

cultural exchange...and NO...MR. PROBST WAS NOT to play FOOTSIES with me!! hahahahah. hilarious.

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